Resting amidst the storm
When you are desperate for quiet, desperate for calm…
That is such a hard balance to find. Be in the world, but not of it. Be present in this space and this life but not to be consumed. Be feeling and compassionate but not overtaken by stress or grief.
The hard. The trials. The hurt. They will all come. They are all a part of this earth. Yet, we have the hope and assurance this is not it. This is not all there is. There is so much more beyond this earthly life. And yet still so much beauty and wonder in this life.
And this is how we press on. This is how we lean into Jesus and his word and get strength to keep going. This is how we cheer others on. This is how we celebrate the wins and grieve the losses of this beautiful life.
We get by with grit and God.
(and mountain views and coffee)